

         来到这里求学,没想过自己要拿什么奖项,只是规律的做好自己的角色。就在报名截止的前一晚,突然和朋友提起,其实还蛮想参加歌唱比赛,因为从没参加过唱歌比赛,可是又怕一个人在台上唱歌。这位朋友也有这样的同感,于是我们从BY2 变成了SHE,在从SHE 演变成4 IN LOVE 最后,我们四人决定参加组合赛,选唱 SHE 和周定纬的 “两个人的荒岛”。



                I have study here for some times, and my busy day in every staged. It is because my efficiency is poor, so I will take more time to complete each of the tasks. Today, I feel something strange happen, my body was hot; I think I will get sick soon. However, I am pasting some photos from cameras to laptop and I found I forgot to write an article which I cannot miss it. So, I insist on finger movement started to write an article about this trophy. First statement, I do not want to show off, nor to raise myself, but to share here my excited things.

                Come here to study, what could I thought that my own awards, just playing own role in daily life. Closing the night before in a sudden and raised with friend, in fact, quite want to participate in singing contests, because never participated in singing competitions, but feared  on stage singing alone. This friend also has such feeling, so we from BY2 form into SHE , from SHE evolved to 4 IN LOVE. Finally, the combination of four of us decided to participate in the singing competition and sang the SHE’s song <Two People of the Island>.
                Not easy to sing this song because it's part of the chorus a lot. Although I like to sing, but my pitch need to be strengthened. So, in practice, I frequently out of position, not to sing out of tune, that is, sounds are not allowed. At that time, I indeed like giving up. Why put myself like that? Was not very happy to sing it? Why singing has become so heavy, feel little hard to breathe just because of competition? On the one hand, a lot of homework so does not know how to choose. The afternoon of that competition day, the ideas want to give up still appear, but I am grateful is that in the end, I still bravely stood on the stage.
                Stood on the stage to sing the beginning will feel fear inevitably, but I slowly get to start enjoying the fun of singing on stage. At the moment over and over, time to turn that fast, I just have a little willing to leave the stage. That night, I did not out of any situation, really enjoy that one. Thank you my friends, not give up halfway, but stick to the end. When we know that we took third place, we really very happy. It is a good start for the first time singing with such good result. Also very grateful to have this particular experience, though separated for some time, but while thinking back still very happy Oh! ^ ^


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