

第一天(10/1/2010),工作时间:早上十一点至晚上八点 工作地点:API-API CENTER 的麦当劳

刚开始,哪里的STAR带我这个所谓的第一访客走遍麦当劳的各个角落,有厨房,大厅,冷冻室,储藏室,休息室,等等.看完后,我就呆在厨房要学习如何炸薯条还有制作汉堡包。我很喜欢麦当劳的炸薯条,又脆又香。原来炸薯条不简单,虽然有机器的援助,但是仍需要一定的手力还有技巧来盛这些炸薯条进入袋子以至不过剩也不贫乏。此外,这里接触的全都是热腾腾的油,一个不小心就可能会导致烫伤,所以就要专心一致的做每件事。而且,这里的Crew也很好,很随和,时时提醒我要小心被烫到,因为他们经历过了那个痛楚。终于要学汉堡包了。其实,在还没有去工作前,我有在家上网了解一下麦当劳各式的汉堡包,可是还是无法完全记得所有的汉堡包。不过,在制作这些汉堡包时,从不记得到熟透的我,连我自己也很惊讶。有动手做总比死背来得好。哈哈。今天,我做的有Spicy Chicken Deluxe, Mc Chicken, Nuggets, Filet-O-Fish, 还有粥。原来每个汉堡包都有使用专属的酱料,不一样配料,调味料,还有连那个包也有分别哦!所以,第一天我真的获益不浅,而且超爱厨房的工作。除了可以准备食物外,厨房里的同事们都以快乐的心情工作,有时候可以听到很搞笑的笑话。我想因为他们想以一颗快乐的心准备这些食物让顾客也吃到这份快乐,我想是这样。第一天回到家,真的很累,很久没有如此的感觉。虽然有点累,但是我很享受这样的日子。明天加油!

第二天(11/1/2010),工作时间:早上八点至下午五点 工作地点:API-API CENTER 的麦当劳

今天,一早去到哪里,没有很多CREW在里头。我立即向值班的PC学习制作麦当劳的早餐,有Sausage Muffin, Sausage Muffin with egg, Big Breakfat, Egg Muffin, 和Hotcakes.这些都比较简单容易制作的食物,所以就算一人也不会花太长时间来完成。过后呢,还没有休息。我在这里工作,不习惯的就是站一整天,而且厨房里是没有椅子可以让你坐一下。接下来就是要制作有关牛肉的汉堡包了。有的是,Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Big N' Tasty,Double Cheese Burger, 和Beef Burger.这些汉堡,除了酱料,配料和调味料不一样之外,连制作方式也不一样。今天除了在厨房学习外,还在柜台负责替顾客点食物。第一次尝试做收银员,感觉新鲜和压力,因为接触的是钱,要是我少给了钱,就会被顾客骂;要是我多给了钱,监视我的主任一定对我大扣分。所以说,那时候只能以紧张来形容。此外,还有当Runner。Runner的话,我就很喜欢。只是负责那顾客所点的食物,而且要快要准不能出错,这个我能胜任,哈哈。就这样,接近放工的时间了。很不舍得,多希望多留在那学习。明天最后一天了,要提醒自己,这样才能让自己去学更多。

第三天(12/1/2010),工作时间:中午十二点至晚上九点 可是麦当劳餐厅时却改成 中午十二点至下午四点 工作地点:API-API CENTER 的麦当劳



I have a short separation with network while my laptop got some problems. Today, we can be together again, and the reason is the computer is willing to go home.

A week passed quickly. In the meantime, there's a very lucky thing befall me. On the last Monday, I received a phone call, asked if I would like to work at McDonald taking the three-day assessment test. Without pay, only to provide a meal; uncertain of working hours, but it is nine hours. I do not think for a long time, immediately agreed, because this is a rare opportunity. Through this opportunity, I can learn more about the operation of the McDonald's, McDonald's hamburgers, and apart from the hall other places is not open to the public.
The first day(10/1/2010), working hours: 11:00 to 20:00 working place: McDonald's at Api-Api Center
In the beginning, the STAR over there took me so-called first visitors traveled to every corner of McDonald's.We look at the kitchen, hall, freezer room, storage room, lounge, and so on. After this, I stayed in the kitchen to learn how to make hamburger and French fries. I love McDonald's French fries, crispy and fragrant. Frying French fries is not simple, although with assistance of the machine, but still need some skills to shake it and also putting french fries into the bag as well as those without excess nor poor. In addition, I am working with the hot oil, if one is not careful could lead to burn, so we should concentrate on doing everything. Moreover, the crews in kitchen also very good, easy-going, and always reminding me to be careful of the hot oil, because they have experienced that particular pain. Finally I am learning how to make a hamburger. In fact, I have access to Internet at home try to understand various McDonald's hamburgers before having these on job evaluation, but still cannot fully remember all of the hamburgers. However, when making these hamburgers, I could remember all of these harmburgers, even myself was surprised. Haha. Today, I have made Spicy Chicken Deluxe, Mc Chicken, Nuggets, Filet-O-Fish, and porridge. Each burger had exclusive sauces, without the same ingredients, seasonings, even the package also difference oh! Therefore, the first day I really benefited greatly, and also love the kitchen's work. In addition preparing food, the kitchen staff were all had happy mood to work, sometimes you can hear a very funny joke. I think that because they want to share their hapiness to the customer who will enjoy the harmburger. I think so.I really tired, and not so long have such feeling. Though a bit tired, but I am enjoying this day. Tomorrow will work hard again!
The second day (11/1/2010), working hours: 8:00 to 17:00 working place: McDonald's at Api-Api center
Today, early in the morning I go to McDonald's where there are not many crew inside.I faster learn how to make McDonald's breakfast from PC, I got made Sausage Muffin, Sausage Muffin with egg, Big Breakfat, Egg Muffin, and Hotcakes. These are relatively simple and easy production of food, so even if a person make it, it would not spend too long time to complete it. After that, there is no rest. I work here, get used to stand a day, but there is no chair in the kitchen allow you to sit down. The next step is to make a beef burger. Some are, Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Big N 'Tasty, Double Cheese Burger, and Beef Burger. These Hamburgers, in addition to sauces, ingredients and seasonings are not the same as outside, and even the making methods. Today, apart from in the kitchen learning, I also responsible for reserve customers at counters. This is my first attempt to do cashier, feeling fresh and pressure, because the contact is money, if I was give less money, the customer may scolded me; if I was give more money, the monitoring officer may deducted my marks. So, at that time I only look as nervous. In addition, I also be a Runner. I liked to be a runner. I am responsible only for those customer's food, but also to associate can not be wrong and this I am competent. Tomorrow is the last day, and hope to get more knowledge of McDonald's.
The third day (12/1/2010), working hours: 12:00 to 21:00, but change to 12:00 to 16:00
working place: McDonald's at Api-Api center
In today, there is no and then into contact with harmburgers production, but I am going to learn how interact with customer. So, standing at the corner, when there are customers come in, I will shouting, "Welcome"; when customers leaving, also shouting, "Thank you and please come again." I really feel not comfortable used to such shouting, because I feel less eye contact with customer. Later, I am adapted for using this salutation. In addition, when too many customers simultaneously to leave, I also help to clean the desk, so that other customers still feel comfortable to restaurant. And there's also, I learned the skills mop the floor at McDonald's. And one saw that there were stains, it is necessary first time to deal with. In addition to interactions with customers, even the children too. I have to do a little handmade paper which is a microphone, and then teach children how to make it. On this day, because time is shortened, though I am not learn enough, but it had no alternative already. However, this opportunity to let me know more about the ins and outs of the McDonald's.
Thank you McDonald's, let me have a special experience, and I wish the staff more happy working there!

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